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12-Week LSAT Study Plan

A free resource to empower your independent studying and help you reach your target score in 3 months. 

Why use the AccessLSAT Study Plan?

Other platforms offer LSAT Study plans. You might have considered, or currently be considering, some of these paid alternatives:

We have looked at the study plans available, and notice that they tend to do the following: 

  • They make your studying feel monotonous. By having you work on a narrow part of the exam for long stretches of time, they may make your studying extremely tedious. Maybe you don’t want to look at Selection Logic Games all week long. Incorporating variety into your studying will not dilute its effectiveness, as long as you revisit areas that give you trouble for the needed additional practice. Our study plan works in those opportunities to revisit weak spots.

  • They don't recommend practice as frequently as necessary. If they do instruct you to do some practice sections, these instructions are often vague, failing to specify how much practice you should strive for. From our experience, actual practice is the best way to get better at the test. However, it’s not always easy to know how much practice is effective, and you may be interested in what successful test-takers recommend. Our schedule recommends how many practice sections you should complete, but is also flexible if you end up being short on time that week. 

  • They leave out 'tricks of the trade' that recent test-takers and current law students know, but you might not know until it’s too late, if this is your first application cycle. 

    • How should you track your data? When should you decide?

    • For example, when should you check the PowerScore podcast for predictions about your test, and how should you incorporate those predictions? 

    • What studying strategies and approaches to the test worked for successful test-takers?

  • They don't build in time for you to work on what you know you actually need to work on. ​In some point in your studying, you'll be able to identify for yourself where your weaknesses lie. Our study plan will give you some guidance about how to identify your areas in need of improvement, ultimately entrusting you to make these necessary decisions. Then, it builds in time for you to target those areas and provides the framework to do so. 

Take a look at our study plan and see what you think! You might as well -- it's free. 

Get the AccessLSAT 12-Week Study Plan, for free.

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